Have you qualified for this years YCS final? Or did you miss out and would like to gain valuable experience before next years series? If the answer is yes to either of them, get booked on to the MCofS/EICA/Quickdraw YCS Preperation Event. This day long coaching event will consist of lectures and workshops from Scottish & British Team coaches looking at how we get the most from our climbing in YCS finals. There will also be various British Team kids on hand to offer tips and encouragement throughout the day. There will also be a fun 'Mock' YCS comp on the day, with comp style routes and boulders set to test your skills against. Thus, giving you all valuable experience of competing before the big day arrives. If you want to perform well in the YCS, make sure you dont miss this event!
Date: 14.06.09
Time: 10am - 4pm
Cost: ITS COMPLETELY FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! (thanks to the MCofS, Quickdraw Club and EICA for funding it!)
Booking: Advanced booking only on 0131 333 6333. Or at desk in Ratho. (Limited to 30 slots, first come first served basis!)
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